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laser cooling中文是什么意思

用"laser cooling"造句"laser cooling"怎么读"laser cooling" in a sentence


  • 激光冷却
  • 激光致冷
  • 雷射冷却


  • Laser cooling ; optical molasses ; super cold atoms ; mot
  • With the progress of laser cooling and trapping , the neutral atoms have been cooled and trapped
  • One of the key problems is lasers cooling in researching high power semiconductor diode laser arrays
  • Theoretic and experimental study on large - frequency - difference side - mode injection locking of high power semiconductor lasers for laser cooling
  • In the experiment of laser cooling and trapping atoms or bec , a high power , narrow linewidtn and frequency - stabilized laser is required
    在激光冷却与俘获原子或原子的bose - einstein - condensation实验中,要求用于冷却的激光器具有功率高、频率稳、线宽窄等特性。
  • In order to realize a experiment of laser cooling and trapping atoms , we have set up a laser diode injection locking system and achieved a laser with single mode , narrow linewidth and 60mw power output
  • The effect of atomic coherence has attracted much attention in quantum optics such as lasing without inversion , the enhancement of nonlinear process , the storage of pulse and laser cooling
  • To achieve this temperature , the atoms must be isolated in a vacuum cell , suspended in free space by magnetic fields , and chilled by laser cooling and another technique called evaporative cooling [ see box on page 51 ]
    要达此温度,原子必须隔离在真空腔里,利用磁场而漂浮在真空中,并以雷射冷却法或另一种称为蒸发冷却的技术来降温(参见87页降温大法) 。
  • Laser cooling and trapping rely on the interaction between laser light and atom and the transfer of energy and momentum from the optical field to the atom . using laser radiation , it is possible to decrease the atomic velocity , cool atomic gases and trap the cooled atoms
  • The main works and results we have accomplished are as follows : 1 ) red - detuned locking of cooling / trapping laser to the cycling transition of cesium cooling has been accomplished by means of a double - passed acoustic - optical frequency shifting system and the technique of saturated absorption spectroscopy . the short - term residual frequency jitter is less than 350khz ; 2 ) automatic controlling system by computer programs has been established for laser cooling and trapping and cavity qed experiment . the laser and magnetic fields can be controlled by the acoustic - optical modulator and the electronic - controlled logic gate respectively
    具体如下: 1 )采用了往返两次通过的声光频移系统结合饱和吸收光谱技术的实验方案,实现了冷却俘获激光频率相对于铯原子冷却循环跃迁的负失谐锁定,短期频率稳定度约在350khz以内,并可方便地调节其负失谐量而无须对后续光路再作调整; 2 )建立了一套基于计算机程序控制的、铯原子激光冷却与俘获实验所需的时序控制系统。
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用"laser cooling"造句  


Laser cooling refers to a number of techniques in which atomic and molecular samples are cooled down to near absolute zero through the interaction with one or more laser light fields.
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